Seat view from section 140 at Guaranteed Rate Field, home of the Chicago White Sox


#2 Nathan 2013-04-28 06:59
A few buddies of mine sat here with me on August 8th vs. Kansas City. Surely, the White Sox could have pulled off a victory against them but they didn't. Instead, they lost 2 to 1.
We choose 140 because it was behind the White Sox dugout. It was cool to watch all of the player's take a few practice swings in the batter's box before walking up to the plate.
You can hear some of the dialogue down on the field if you sit close enough.
We went in Gate 5 and our seats were straight ahead. I found the stadium to be a little sterile but much more comfortable than Wrigley Field but no where near as nice as Miller Park, home of the Brewers.

I hear you can occasionally see Vince Vaughn or some of the other pro players (Bears, Blackhawks) at The Cell for Sox games but we didn't see anyone we recognized. As long as you're sitting on the bottom level, I think you'll like your seats but section 140 is a no brainer. Awesome seats!
#1 John M 2013-04-28 06:35
To give you an idea what the view of the field is like from section 140, here is a Youtube video shot from there during a White Sox game at U.S. Cellular Field.

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