Seat view from section 208 at the Prudential Center, home of the New Jersey Devils


#3 John M 2013-03-02 00:54
To give you an idea what the view of the ice is like from section 208, here is a Youtube video shot from there during a Devils/New York Rangers game.
#2 Brian F 2012-05-07 20:49
Best section in the entire arena, great view of the ice can't miss a thing. People that sit up top are all full season ticket holders and are a blast!!!! No section has more fun.
#1 Larry J 2012-02-09 02:48
The worst section in the arena in my opinion. Only 9 rows. Upper level corner. Hard to make out the players, you will end up watching a lot of the plays from the jumbotron and at that point, why not just watch the game at home? Have sat all over the Prudential Center both for Nets games and Devils games and if you are going to sit upper level, I would recommend section 212 or 229.

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