Seat view from section 125 at Gillette Stadium, home of the New England Patriots


#1 Eddy 2012-09-15 20:42
Beware if you sit here because sections 125 and 124 are adjoined together making this area one giant congested section. I think it's because they're corner seats and they wanted to optimize the space as much as possible.
The first 20+ rows in both sections are connected together with no divider in the middle. And to top it off, I think this stadium is marked pretty poorly when it comes to finding your seats. Be sure to ask a member of the Gillette Stadium staff if you have trouble finding where you're supposed to be sitting.

Other than that little tidbit, the lower levels are great and much better than the top level although the view may be a little better from p top. But at least here you can tell which players are which and can get really close to them during the game.

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