Seat view from section 120 at Target Field, home of the Minnesota Twins





#2 Mike Santoro 2013-06-29 06:02
Parallel with third base and the 'Hot Corner'. Very comfortable section. Plenty of leg space and elbow room. Every seat has it's own individual cup holder. Our section was sold out and everyone got loud when it was time to get loud.
Only downside is these seats are near the visitors dugout. We saw the Twins vs. the Boston Red Sox when we sat here and there were a million knucklehead Red Sox fans seated near us. Where do these people come from? Are they disguised in Twins jerseys when the Red Sox aren't in the Twin Cities?

You'll love both this city and ballpark if you ever visit. Both are clean and make sure you leave time to go visit nearby St. Paul too. They too have plenty to do and see.
#1 John M 2013-06-28 02:45
To give you an idea what the view of the field is like from section 120, here is a Youtube video shot from there during a Twins game at Target Field.

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