Seat view from section 120 at Coors Field, home of the Colorado Rockies


#3 Bobby F 2014-04-23 12:55
I sat in this seat over Easter of 14'. Rox vs Phillies. I had 4 seats in row 4 of this section.
I will NOT sit in this section again. As in prior reviews this is a great place to get an autograph. Which also makes it a terrible place to sit because people without tickets in this section will stand in the first row leaning against the barrier to the field until the game starts to get autographs. I am not talking about children or even teenagers. These are middle aged adults who are "autograph hounds", and they do not care about the ticketholders convenience.
#2 John M 2013-05-23 03:05
To give you an idea what the view of the field is like from section 120, here is a Youtube video shot from row 4 (seat 10) during a Rockies/Chicago Cubs game at Coors Field.

Here is a second Youtube video shot from section 120 during another Rockies game at Coors Field.
#1 Josh R 2012-06-14 06:40
120 sits just past the dugout and the first baseman down the first baseline. You will want to stand outside of this section before the game if you want autographs from the Rockies players.

The major perk of this section is that it gives you the perfect perspective of both the outfield and infield while still being close to all of the action. No obstructions whatsoever, you can't go wrong with 120.

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