Seat view from section 106 at Amalie Arena, home of the Tampa Bay Lightning


#2 John M 2013-03-21 01:14
To give you an idea what the view of the ice is like from section 106, here is a Youtube video shot from there before a Lightning game at the Tampa Bay Times Forum
#1 Jason 2011-01-19 18:50
These seats are pretty good. Being that you're at one end of the ice, it can be difficult to see 200 feet to the other end in the second period, but the home team attacks this end twice and makes for an exciting place to watch a hockey game. You're close enough to the glass to see the player's faces smooshed up in the corners, and there is a possibility of getting lucky and catching a puck that slides over the glass in pre-game warm ups. All in all, this is a great seat to watch a hockey game from.

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