Seat view from section 131 at Citizens Bank Park, home of the Philadelphia Phillies


#2 Greg Florentino 2013-07-02 05:24
Fantastic seats!
Probably more ideal for the visiting fans than the Phillies fans due to it's location behind the visitor's dugout. Always annoying to see the visiting fans seated around me because you know they're going to get heckled which kind of means you'll be getting heckled since you're sitting next to them.
There are 30+ rows in all of the infield sections so it's easy to say that not every seat is as good as the other. The closer the better in my opinion. It was exciting sitting so close to third and to watch the runner's being waved home at full speed. When you sit on the Terrace up top, the game seems to happen at a snail's pace. But in section 131, you're going to be getting the ultimate Phillies experience.

You can easily reach these seats by entering the Third Base entrance and walking straight ahead. You'll see the signs to section 131, they're pasted all over the walls and ceilings.
#1 John M 2013-07-01 05:20
To give you an idea what the view of the field is like from section 131, here is a Youtube video shot from there before a Phillies game at Citizens Bank Park.

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