Seat view from section 129 at Amalie Arena, home of the Tampa Bay Lightning


#2 John M 2013-03-21 02:50
To give you an idea what the view of the ice is like from section 129, here is a Youtube video shot from there during a Lightning practice at the Tampa Bay Times Forum.
#1 Chelsea 2012-08-05 07:40
I loved the spaciousness in each row of section 129. The railing kind of made the section feel like it was a private area. Since the renovations, the lower level seats are cushioned and all seats now have cup holders unlike before.
The view of the ice is great as you could have guessed. The closer to the plexiglass the more likely you are to get that full NHL experience. If a friend of yours has never been to a hockey game before and they're tagging along with you, get rows A thru D in any section, they will love the physical play and checks against the glass.
I haven't been to many NHL arenas where they give programs away for free which I though was really neat.

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