The sight lines were above average here. 130 was a huge section in the corner. When I say huge, I mean there are a lot of rows and a lot of seats per row. Fare warning to those that go to the restroom a lot or are always refreshing their beer. By the way, if the puck is moving, you shouldn't be. Stay in your seat until there is a stoppage of play.
The Pepsi Center is not a huge arena and I thought the jumbo tron was on the smaller side compared to other sports venues I have visited. The stats didn't rotate and cover the information I was looking for. The game presentation was decent without overdoing it. The public announcer was animated and they had a good variety of music during stoppages.
The Pepsi Center is not a huge arena and I thought the jumbo tron was on the smaller side compared to other sports venues I have visited. The stats didn't rotate and cover the information I was looking for. The game presentation was decent without overdoing it. The public announcer was animated and they had a good variety of music during stoppages.