Seat view from section 211 at Gila River Arena, home of the Arizona Coyotes


#1 Stevie 2012-07-27 20:27
Our seats in 211 were in row G. It's one of the bigger sections in the entire arena in terms of seats per row. It seems like there must have been 20 seats to each row. If you sit on the aisle like I did, it can get pretty irritating to have to constantly stand up to let someone out or continuously pass money to the vendor.

The rows were a little cramped and I'm only 6'0. If you're much taller, you may want to option for the more comfortable seating on the lower rows. View is great from every seat, I'm convinced.
The arena has some great beer options including one kiosk I found that had Boddington's, Stella, and Shock Top on tap. Wow.

Finding your seats at Jobing is extremely easy, the arena staff will be more than willing to help you find your seats if you have trouble.

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