Seat view from section 100 at Lambeau Field, home of the Green Bay Packers


#2 Mike 2013-09-01 06:09
-Directly above the 49ers' tunnel (south end zone).
-First row is row 20.
-Rows are on the small side. Each row had maybe 15-18 seats total.
-No drink holders. All metal bleacher seats with no backs to them.
-Tough to see the other end of the field because 1) these are end zone seats and 2) the uprights act as a partial obstruction.
#1 Vincent 2011-10-15 00:07
This is a very long section, it has 40 rows, rows are numbered 20 thru 60. You are in the exact middle of the endzone. You can see every play but the field goal posts are in your way.
I prefer to sit closer to the field. Packers fans are all season ticket holders, somewhat hard to pick and choose where to sit in Green Bay. Overall, you will love this stadium, the fans are great and always cheer loud for their Packers. An NFL game is a blast no matter where you sit.

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