Seat view from section 108 at Lambeau Field, home of the Green Bay Packers


#2 Ulysses 2013-08-31 23:49
Sat here for the Saints game last season which turned out to be one of the most exciting games of the season. Packers won by 1 point even though the Saints turned out to be a terrible team but Lambeau was rocking as usual.
We were in row 51 near the very top but being higher up gives fans an advantage when it comes to vantage point at this stadium. The sidelines are very small so the seats sit even closer to the field than you're probably expecting.
One thing to consider when choosing your seats in 108; the higher you sit (rows 40+), the more fans there will be in your row which can make it more difficult getting in and out when it's time to go to the bathroom or purchase food/beer. Also increases the likelihood that you'll have plenty of fans asking you to stand up to be let out. Annoying but it's all part of attending a game. If you're in the first 10 rows though, you'll be close to the field and this won't be an issue.
Since our seats were in the corner, both jumbo trons were in plain view, one in each end zone but fans in this section for the most part were referring to the South end zone.

Sitting on bleacher seats likely won't appeal to first time visitors of Lambeau. The only other NFL stadium that I know of that has bleacher seats is Ralph Wilson Stadium in Buffalo, another old venue with rabid fans. That shouldn't discourage you from coming. There are no other NFL stadiums that could match the experience and festivities of attending a Packers game at historic Lambeau Field.
#1 John M 2013-08-30 06:18
To give you an idea what the view of the field is like from section 108, here is a Youtube video shot from row 32 during a Packers/Minnesota Vikings game at Lambeau Field.

Here is a 2nd Youtube video shot from there during a Packers/Buffalo Bills game at Lambeau Field.

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