Seat view from section 127 at Sports Authority Field at Mile High Stadium, home of the Denver Broncos


#2 Ellis 2014-01-08 07:02
I would have to say there is no way you won't like section 127 even though we were to the side of the end zone on the far end of the south side of the stadium (row 19). Here, we had all three jumbo trons in regular view. Two on our right in the upper part of the North end zone and the main scoreboard on our left in the south end zone. On top of the main scoreboard was an all white Bronco standing on it's back legs which I thought was a neat little monument. Do any of the other NFL stadiums have anything that cool? I doubt it.
Eric Decker scored a leaping touchdown in front of us so the kids will love these seats as it puts them super close to their heroes depending on which row you settle on. There is a small walkway behind row 21 or row 22 and then another set of seats above the exit tunnel. The other set are part of section 127 as well. Tons of concessions along the eastern concourse offering everything from brats, hot dogs, beer, nachos to chicken fingers, burgers. Much better venue than the old stadium although this place is a little more "white collar" and isn't as loud.

If you're staying at one of the many LODO hotels, it's a cheap cab ride to the stadium if it's cold outside and you don't feel like walking. The Pepsi Center arena is also nearby and you can park there for $15 and walk to Sports Authority in maybe 10-12 minutes. Riding the RTD light rail to the Decatur stop is also very cheap and easy way to get to the stadium.
#1 John M 2013-09-07 17:57
To give you an idea what the view of the field is like from section 127, here is a Youtube video shot from there during a Broncos game at Sports Authority Field at Mile High Stadium.

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