Seat view from section 129 at New Era Field, home of the Buffalo Bills


#2 Josh Lafferty 2013-08-13 21:32
The seats here in 129 faced directly towards the end zone which is good but when the ball was at midfield, we had to look left the entire time to see what was happening. The closer your seats are to the field, the more so you have to do this. Seats in rows 1 thru 5 though will make you feel like you're on the field and trust me, it doesn't get much better than that.
I've never been a season ticket holder for the Bills but have sat all over the stadium and there really isn't a bad place to sit. If you're a Buffalo native and live in the area, you should sit high for some games, low for others. The seats in the Jim Kelly club are also great because they'll allow you to escape the cold conditions and warm up in the club area at halftime. The Jim Kelly club seats probably have the best possible view in the building while still feeling "close" to the action.

The hallways at Ralph Wilson are plain and boring, nothing but cinder block. They should take all of the memorabilia and signage from the Fieldhouse and put it in the hallways of the stadium. The food is very basic, hot dogs, nachos, overpriced domestic beer. This place only gets utilized for ten home games each season so it serves it's purpose for as little as it's used. Not many establishments near the stadium either so if you're coming to a Bills game, you should have all intentions on tailgating and bringing your own beer and food.
#1 John M 2013-08-12 02:33
To give you an idea what the view of the field is like from section 129, here is a Youtube video shot from there before a Bills game at Ralph Wilson Stadium.

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