Seat view from section 107 at New Era Field, home of the Buffalo Bills


#2 John M 2013-08-12 01:06
To give you an idea what the view of the field is like from section 107, here is a Youtube video shot from there during a Bills/Philadelphia Eagles game at Ralph Wilson Stadium.
#1 Flip 2012-09-05 06:54
Didn't hate these seats. I didn't love them either. They were ok. I was at least happy to have a seat and was not sitting on a metal bench like the rest of the folks in the endzone. I am convinced that the side of the end zone is the way to go; nothing more exciting than when the Bills score and you can see it all from any seat in 107. If you're in the first few rows, you will feel like you're on the field and in the game, it's amazing how much you can hear on the field when you sit this close.

The only annoyance aside from the mobs of drunk Bills fans that call 107 home eight Sundays per year is having to turn your body to see the giant score board. It gets old, especially if the wind is blowing in your face which it does quiet often during the winter months.

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