View from section 207 at State Farm Stadium, home of the Arizona Cardinals


#1 Ben 2012-10-14 05:39
If you want my honest opinion, I think the club seats are vastly overrated. Sure, the seats are padded but they're not nearly as comfortable as what you're probably expecting. The sight lines were great from section 207 (saw the Cardinals take on the Seahawks on New Years Day of 2012) and sat in row 5 which was the middle portion of the section.

I think these seats will appeal more to the casual fans. The true Cardinal fans can always be found in the upper levels and the lower level end zones. Other than that, the rest of the stadium is pretty lame and tame. I do like the fact that no regular joe can sit in my seat when I have club seats though. The security to access the area is very very high.

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