Seat view from section 146 at Oakland Coliseum, home of the Oakland Athletics


#2 Bo 2013-05-30 05:58
Sat in 146, row 35 for an A's vs. Kansas City Royals game. It probably wasn't even televised which is why we were lucky to be there. : )

We were almost center field which is a great vantage point but the railing in front of the first row is a little intrusive. But it's there for the safety of the fans to keep them from falling forward. The most ideal rows are going to be rows 36-40. Of course the further you sit up, the less you can see when the ball is hit near the outfield wall or the warning track.
If you will be taking the BART to the game, just follow the fans as they exit and enter thru Gate MM off of the BART ramp. Section 146 will be just to your left. While the game is going on, this area of the ballpark can seem like a ghost town since most fans sit near the infield. Especially for day games.
This place is a dump compared to the other parks but I still keep coming back year after year. Maybe there is something wrong with me?

P.s. - Go on a night when there is fireworks after the game and they let A's fans onto the field for the fireworks. It's quiet an experience!
#1 John M 2013-05-29 03:36
To give you an idea what the view of the field is like from section 146, here is a Youtube video shot from there during an A's game at Coliseum.

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