Seat view from section 117 at Coors Field, home of the Colorado Rockies


#2 Beau Moore 2013-05-25 05:50
Sat here at the beginning of the 2012 season for a day game against the San Diego Padres - row 21, seat 6 and 7 to be exact. The place was about half full so we could have sat anywhere we wanted but we stuck with the seats we paid for.

117 is between the first baseman and right fielder so we could see pretty much every inch of the field, especially along the warning track. The scoreboard was straight ahead in left center. It's no where near as big as the scoreboards you'll see at Safeco Field or Yankee Stadium but all of the replays were very visible. There was another smaller jumbo tron located on top of the main one.

The only thing I dislike about these seats and I understand it's pretty standard everywhere you visit but I can't stand that the seats face straight forward. This forces fans to look left most of the game which creates a little bit of discomfort in your seat but it's pretty minor.
The rows have plenty of width to them for other fans to get out without you having to stand up. So annoying when that happens.
My favorite part of Rockies games is the drinking. Yes, it's expensive but this ballpark carries a lot of beers you've probably never tried before. Check out the concession 'Beers of the World' when you visit Coors Field. You won't be disappointed.
#1 John M 2013-04-11 04:19
To give you an idea what the view of the field is like from section 117, here is a Youtube video shot from there during a Rockies/Boston Red Sox playoff game at Coors Field.

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