Seat view from section 1 at Oriole Park at Camden Yards, home of the Baltimore Orioles


#2 Justin 2013-04-09 18:11
Whoever says there isn't a bad seat in the house has never sat here. I would take upper level seats over seats in section 1 any day of the week vs. any opponent the Orioles are playing that night. There are virtually no obstructions up there; cheaper tickets and a wide open view of the entire ballpark.
#1 Shane D. 2011-11-05 05:56
Possibly the worst section to sit in at Camden Yards. Only pros are the tickets are cheap and you get a great view of the old factory backdrop in right center field but you have to turn your back to the field to see it.
Th cons. You are far from the field, in the far corner of right field. Area is very congested, fans to all sides. Worst part, the foul pole obstructs your view. You can see the outfield but you have a hard time seeing what happens at the plate and possibly at the warning track. Don't sit here.

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