Seat view from section 323 at Chesapeake Energy Arena, home of the Oklahoma City Thunder


#2 Terrence 2012-12-03 02:42
323 is where I sat for a Thunder/Jazz game. Great view of the court, every play is right in front of your eyes with little need to adjust your body which is what you have to do when you sit in the corners of the upper level. Hate that.

The view from 323 is actually better than some seats on the lower level; no joke, I've been coming to Thunder games since they moved here. You won't regret buying your seats here unless you're one of those extremely picky fans that likes sitting right next to the court.
#1 Jason Todd 2012-12-02 03:01
Wow, what a view. All of 323 sits exactly center court and has the best view you'll be able to find on the upper level. The only unfortunate thing is that even though they're considered the "nosebleeds", each seat is going to run you at least $40. Even more when the Lakers or Bulls are playing the Thunder. I saw the lowly Milwaukee Bucks from those seats in what turned out to be a good game. Every NBA game is a fun game to go to, you shouldn't shoot for certain seats for certain games. You can never go wrong with 323.

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