Seat view from section 203 at Tropicana Field, home of the Tampa Bay Rays


#1 Mike Walter 2013-05-12 00:15
Our section was right next to the press box area where you'll see a lot of the analysts on tv hosting Rays games. Primarily though, it's occupied by newspaper writers on their computers so it's nothing too exciting.
The view is great; almost directly behind home plate but more so towards the third base line side. I try not to let the actual venue interfere with what I think of the seats because Tropicana is a little underwhelming, especially when you've seen other ballparks and have something to compare it to.

You can still recognize all of the players from these seats and it's a tiny section so if you don't enjoy sitting with the masses of Rays fans (is that an oxymoron?) then this would be a good section to sit in.

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