Seat view from section 517 at Angel Stadium of Anaheim, home of the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim


#2 Brandon Crum 2013-08-04 15:52
The view from sections 517-524 are all going to be very similar with little difference. I wouldn't say either side gets more shade than the other that I've noticed.
I was in row D so didn't have too many steps to climb to find our seats, there was no usher to show us to our seats when we arrived but they're on the ball in the lower deck. Rows C-K are probably going to be the best for fans, anything past row K is too high up.
There isn't much room across the seats so you're going to be in for a nightmare if the fan next to you turns out to be obese. There also could be more knee room but this seems to be the trend in ballpark's across the country. Constructors paid extra close attention to the lower level seats and not so much to the upper deck seats but what do you expect? You want comfortable seats, you spend more money on them.
The Angels fans in our section were good. Seemed into the game but well behaved and very welcoming to the Yankees fans that were in attendance. The Yankees series is always a big outing every season.
A lot of fans will enjoy the two giant Angels batting helmets outside of the main entrance. Not sure whose idea it was but it's different and that's why fans travel all over the country to see all of the ballparks. Something different for everyone.
The giant Halo is also neat. It stays lit up after an Angels win to let people on the highway know the outcome of the game.
#1 John M 2013-07-29 05:00
To give you an idea what the view of the field is like from section 517, here is a Youtube video shot from there during an Angels/New York Yankees game at Angel Stadium of Anaheim.

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