Seat view from section 108 at Lincoln Financial Field, home of the Philadelphia Eagles


#2 John M 2013-09-15 07:08
To give you an idea what the view of the field is like from section 108, here is a Youtube video shot from there before an Eagles game at Lincoln Financial Field.

Here is a 2nd Youtube video shot from section 108 during another Eagles game.
#1 Frankie L 2012-08-30 07:36
Wow. Great section. Saw the Eagles take on the Green Bay Packers here; September of 2010, row 11. If you want to see the Eagles players super up close, go for rows 1 thru 7. It's literally right next to the Eagles tunnel so you will see the players in passing multiple times as they enter and exit the locker room. Best of all, our section was in the back of the endzone so when the Eagles were about to score, this place was going nuts.
You'll find a lot of season ticket holders in the endzone sections and they're some of the most passionate and knowledgeable fans I've ever met. Section 108 is a treat, of course, I don't think there is a bad seat on the first two levels. Just stay away from the top level.

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