Seat view from section 316 at FirstEnergy Stadium, home of the Cleveland Browns


#1 Elton 2012-10-04 05:02
If there is one thing I remember about 316 it's that it faced the downtown area and that is was a very skinny section. There were 18-22 or so rows and there weren't all that many seats assigned to each row. Which was a blessing, I hate climbing thru a ton of people to get of my row and I hate when people have to climb thru me to get out.

For club seats, I thought the view was pretty poor. More of an end zone corner section. For what they ask Browns fans to pay for these seats, they should have just made this section a regular section with regular seats. But I appreciate the padded seats. What was great was that we could see both jumbo trons without having to turn our heads or adjust ourselves in our seats.

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