Seat view from section 412 at the Toyota Center, home of the Houston Rockets


#2 John M 2013-10-12 23:18
To give you an idea what the view of the court is like from section 412, here is a Youtube video shot from there before a Rockets game at the Toyota Center.
#1 Quentin 2012-11-11 07:27
This review is for section 412, row 4, seat 3.
I had two gripes about this particular seat. One was the lack of space you have at the knees. If someone wants out of the row, you have to stand to let them out and then once again to let them in. In the lower levels at the toyota center, you can remain seated and others will be to get out of the row with no problem.

If I had to guess, I would say that there were maybe 15 seats assigned to each row so it became bothersome. My other gripe was that I had to rely on the crowd reaction to know if the ball went in the hoop or not. From that angle, I couldn't see the rim all that well.
I tip my hat to the Rockets ticket office, however. They keep the upper level ticket prices very affordable for families for the most part although it depends on which team the Rockets are facing that particular night. The Astros do a great job at that as well. Houston residents should feel fortunate because other cities aren't as lucky.

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