Seat view from section 309 at Amalie Arena, home of the Tampa Bay Lightning


#1 Alice 2012-08-05 08:25
309 was great in terms of the view of the ice and the rest of the arena. I prefer to be closer to the glass and from now on thats where I will be when I go to Lightning games. I saw them take on the Chicago Blackhawks. Awesome game and there were Blackhawks fans everywhere oddly enough.

My only criticism was that it was hard to see the jumbo visual in the center. It's eight sided instead of four sided so the screens are extremely small. It makes it hard to follow the game when you can't see the displays. Especially when you're sitting on the upper levels.

Most importantly, 309 was behind the net the Lightning shoot twice on so it was an intense section; lots of ohhhs and ahhhs. I loved having the goalie's perspective.

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