Seat view from section 510 at Bank of America Stadium, home of the Carolina Panthers


#1 Hunter 2012-10-25 04:44
My brothers and I all went to the Detroit Lions game in 2008 and bought tickets for 510. We figured the Lions don't come to Charlotte too often so we had better take advantage.
I was surprised at how many steps we had to climb to get to our seats in row 21. Once there, you have to ask other patrons to stand up to let you in your row so the leg room is pretty much nonexistent and so is the elbow room. You'll spend some time getting to know your neighbor, for sure.

The stadium was privately funded primarily through Private Seat Licenses so you will meet plenty of season ticket holders who have held seats since the beginning of the franchise; many of them upper middle class fans which I think is what attributes to the laid back and less than rowdy atmosphere.
Beautiful stadium. I think the giant panthers at each entrance and the Carolina blue seats are what really adds to it's mystique.

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