Seat view from section 214 at Globe Life Park in Arlington, home of the Texas Rangers


#2 Branden Fletcher 2013-06-20 05:32
If you're like me, you probably expect the club seats to be a private seating area where businessmen sit to entertain guests, indulge in a pre game buffet and have waiters bring them their food to their seats. You will see NONE of that here. It dawns the fancy corporate name but the club seats are just regular seats with shorter restroom and concession lines.

214 is on the third base side. No shade from the sun but you can hang out in the club lounge for a few innings when the sun is scorching. The concessions are pricey but I really hope you don't visit MLB ballparks hoping to find cheap food and drink items.
The main scoreboard is in plain view. 214's best feature is that you can escape sitting with the masses of Rangers fans for at least one game. I would recommend these seats to any Rangers fan.
#1 John M 2013-06-18 18:11
To give you an idea what the view of the field is like from section 214, here is a Youtube video shot from there during a Rangers game at Rangers Ballpark.

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