Seat view from section 338 at Raymond James Stadium, home of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers


#1 Erik 2012-09-29 21:15
338 sat almost directly on the 20 yard line closest to the North end zone and behind the visitor's sideline. Believe it or not, I have sat on the 50 yard line and the view isn't that much different from 338. The further you sit from the 50 yard line, the more the ticket price drops. You can often find upper level corner seats for $35 per ticket.
The yard markers can be seen perfectly but I did have some problems with following the football during play-actions or misdirection plays.
I had a great experience. All you're really paying for is the view of the field and nothing else. There isn't a ton of amenities on the upper level other than some excellent food thanks to Levy Restaurants who help with providing the quality of the concessions. There was a stand outside of 338 called "Sideline Salsa" where you can get tacos and quesadillas; a nice alternative to the usual hot dog and nachos.

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