Seat view from section 315 at Metlife Stadium, home of the New York Jets


#2 Mike 2013-12-14 04:57
I'm one of the idiots that decided to give into corporate greed and purchase a PSL to see this under achieving franchise 10 days a year. I guess you could say I'm contributing to the problem. Been a season ticket holder for three seasons now and I love my seats but would definitely upgrade if I could swing it financially. Section 314, the adjacent section sits on the 50 yard line. 315 is almost as good. Ideal seats for the fans like me that are more into the plays and watching them develop from up top than sitting right next to the field. Seat width can be a problem for the heavy Jets fans. Leg room is pretty basic. This is also a great place for fans that don't want to spend their life savings to sit in one of those fancy clubs with lounges and private entrances.
Getting to the upper level couldn't be easier. Every entry gate has it's own escalator and every entry gate has it's own name. I usually take the Bud Light Gate since it's on this side of the stadium and typically has smaller lines to get in. If you prefer to walk, the ramps are located in the concourses of the north and south end zones. I prefer to walk sometimes and just take the ramps. There are also stair cases in the four corners of the stadium but I seriously doubt anyone takes them.
#1 John M 2013-09-20 01:18
To give you an idea what the view of the field is like from section 315, here is a Youtube video shot from there during a Jets/San Francisco 49ers game at Metlife Stadium.

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