Seat view from section 212 at Madison Square Garden, home of the New York Knicks.


#1 Toy 2013-01-18 05:38
This area used to consist of a bunch of smaller sections but after they renovated, it's now one really big section. I liked it's new look because I've sat near mid court on the upper level for I don't know how many games.
212 now has 24 total rows which is a lot. I personally wouldn't sit past row 15 if I were you. But the view isn't bad, it's becomes about how comfortable you are with climbing steps.

Unfortunately, you're still going to pay $200+ for two tickets in this section on any given night considering you're in New York. The Nets games in Brooklyn come at a much better value and you can see the exact same teams that play in the Garden night in and night out. But there's just something special about watching basketball at the Garden. It's worth the visit.

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