Seat view from right field pavilion section 308 at Dodger Stadium, home of the Los Angeles Dodgers


#2 Luis Munoz 2014-02-24 03:17
Great view! Nestled between right field and center field. Home run balls fly out here on the regular. If you're looking for comfort though, you will want to sit in the Baseline Boxes. Section 308 and it's neighboring sections all consist of hard metal bleachers and I've always felt cramped when sitting here.
The outfield now has two new HD jumbotrons and you can't see the one in the right field from these seats with your back to it unless you turn around but if your seats are in rows A through G, you should have no issues seeing the jumbo tron in left field.
I'm not sure if they still do this or not since I haven't been on time to a Dodgers game in quiet some time but they used to allow fans that held bleacher tickets to watch batting practice from the warning track on the field. The kids used to love it but after all of the regulations the stadium has gone through in terms of security, I doubt they let fans go onto the field anymore.
I've seen many games at Dodger Stadium over the years and it' just a very old and inconvenient ballpark for most fans. There is no light rail that services the stadium. Parking is cheap but it takes an hour each way to get to and from Chavez Ravine. Although I love the history, I don't think a new stadium next to LA Live and the Staples Center would be such a bad thing. The Yankees, White Sox and Tigers all tore down their historic ballparks.
#1 John M 2013-08-11 23:09
To give you an idea what the view of the field is like from section 308, here is a Youtube video shot from there during a Dodgers game at Dodger Stadium.

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