Seat view from bleacher section 402 at Great American Ball Park, home of the Cincinnati Reds


#4 Shelby 2015-07-31 04:46
Great peripheral view of the outfield from this section! You'll be much closer to the game than you think sitting here, that photo doesn't really do it any justice. Epitome of the cheap seats! These are similar to the bleachers you would sit on at a high school football game but they do have backs to them! Bleachers in Cincinnati aren't the same atmosphere as in New York at Yankee Stadium so it's not anywhere near as rowdy or anything.
#3 John M 2015-01-18 21:12
Here is another Youtube video shot from section 402 at Great American Ballpark during a Reds/Chicago Cubs game.
#2 John M 2013-05-02 02:57
To give you an idea what the view of the field is like from section 402, here is a Youtube video shot from there during a Reds/Houston Astros game at Great American Ballpark.
#1 Adam 2011-09-18 04:41
Sat in row G on 9-18-2011 for the game against the Brewers on Johnny Bench night. Didn't pay for these seats, used two free ticket vouchers. Seats retail for $8 a ticket in 2011. You cannot see the warning track and the jumbotron is behind you. You get what you pay for.

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