Seat view from bleacher section BL 35 at Fenway Park, home of the Boston Red Sox


#2 Mitch 2013-04-16 03:13
These are great seats and always has hundreds of rowdy and fun Red Sox fans. Don't expect hard metal bleachers, these seats aren't literally bleachers, they may have been back in the day.

If you're a Yankees fan, don't even think about sitting in these seats. We will nag you in a friendly way. And with all do respect... YOU SUCK!
#1 Bruce 2013-04-14 18:26
Seats felt congested. Outfield walls are a little higher than what I was used to after spending years at Shea Stadium in New York so you can't see the plats at the warning track in this section. If you sit here, you will be in dead center field.

In most MLB ballparks you'll encounter, the cheap seats are in the upper level and is where no one wants to sit. At Fenway Park the cheap seats are the bleachers. Now that the Red Sox have cooled off and the sellout record is coming to a halt, you will likely be able to get these seats for $15 a piece.

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